

Top image caption: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama says he may be the last one and will appoint a successor to his position. As a religious leader, that is his prerogative but why is a secular leader, Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay, always commenting on the matter?

The Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay has recently been captured in yet another interview talking again about the Dalai Lama’s succession. Our question is, why is the secular leader of the Tibetan community in exile commenting on what should now be a purely religious matter?

After all, according to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, he is not the leader of the Tibetan people any more. So since the Dalai Lama’s successor is now a purely religious matter, and not a political one, what should it matter who the Dalai Lama’s successor is? And why is the secular leader who is not ordained, making remarks about religious matters?

Isn’t that what Lobsang Sangay always accuses China of doing (secular leadership interfering in religious matters)? In the issue of the Panchen Lama, Lobsang Sangay has often accused the Chinese secular leadership of interfering in religious matters. In light of his actions regarding the Dalai Lama’s succession, his remarks regarding China are hypocritical indeed.

But Sikyong Lobsang Sangay repeatedly commenting on the subject of the Dalai Lama’s successor has a deeper significance. His insistence on commenting all the time actually means that contrary to the Tibetan leadership’s claims they are in control, in actuality the Dalai Lama’s influence over the Tibetan people is still so great, it has the potential to destabilise the so-called Tibetan cause after His Holiness is gone.

That must also mean that the Tibetan leadership still has not done enough to gain the trust and faith of their community. Their people do not actually and really believe they will be able to hold things together once His Holiness is gone, and hence this continued reliance on the Dalai Lama and concern for his succession.

So actually, the more Dharamsala talks about it and keeps trying to reassure their people, the worse it makes them look. It makes them look like they are insecure, uncertain of the future and have no control over it.

If someone is actually secure in their position, they do not have to keep bringing up the subject over and over again to try and convince you what they are saying is the truth. China, for example, never has to talk about who is going to succeed Xi Jinping. You never hear or see them making statement after statement talking about how so and so has been appointed to replace him.

And why does any of this even need to be discussed if it is a purely religious matter? If the Central Tibetan Administration (the Tibetan government in exile) is really in the process of democracy, then why do they even need to appoint the new Dalai Lama or his successor as a new leader? Why do they need to appoint anyone? Dictatorial successions appoint future leaders. Monarchies appoint successors. Democracies and democracies in the making do not.

In fact His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said he resigned from all political power, and has passed this power to the secular leader whose instalment is based on the people’s votes. If that is the case, why worry what happens after the passing of the Dalai Lama? In fact each of the four schools of Buddhism of Tibet have their own leaders – the Gelugs have the Gaden Tripa, the Sakyas have the Sakya Trizin, the Karma Kagyus have the Karmapa, the Drukpa Kagyus have the Gyalwang Drukpa and so on. From a strictly religious point-of-view, the Dalai Lama is not actually the head of any religious school. Hence in the future, if the institution of the Dalai Lama does not have political power and does not have religious power, it makes the institution and office of the Dalai Lama redundant. After all, will a future Dalai Lama be the head of religion of Tibet or head of government?


The Original Article from Phayul

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  1. Camillia

    May 24, 2017 at 9:52 am

    I agree that the more CTA talks about Dalai Lama’s next incarnation the more it is a strong sign of CTA’s poor influence over the Tibetan community. The old generation who stood by His Holiness for the Tibetan cause is slowly “moving on” into old age and beyond. While the newer generation will not see the relevance of the Tibetan cause since it is more than obvious that the quality of life in Tibet China is far better than Tibetans in exile. There are more religious freedom, better economy opportunities and greater transparency in governance. In the most unfortunate event when His Holiness enters the clear light, the Tibetan community in exile and the staunch supporters in Tibet, China will have no one to look up to, at least for the very immediate moment. Many possibilities can happen during this period of vacuum. The new generation religious leader will emerge, and not surprising, some of them are already making their debut in Tibet China, and others in the western countries. They will pledge harmonious, unity and true religious freedom to all different sects of Buddhism. Even with His Holiness taking rebirth back into our human realms, it will be another two decades before he can be actively involved again. I hope by then, Tibetans have been reunited, and everyone can practice their faith in peace and harmony. And let’s hope it will not be too late to preserve the authenticity of Tibetan Buddhism lineage and traditions.

  2. Solomon Lang

    May 26, 2017 at 11:55 am

    There’s a lot of truth in this article, kudos to you.

    I’ve always found it terribly odd when a self-proclaimed democratic “government in exile” called the Central Tibetan Administration unilaterally and without public consultation ventures deeply into spiritual territory, for example banning and making criminals of their own Dorje Shugden faithful.

    I have never seen this happen in any democracy ever. Indeed the separation of faith and state is a hallmark of most democratic countries hence it makes their self proclamation of being democratic absolutely hilarious but at the same time a very serious issue for it has and is affecting many lives.

    In addition, and I’m not saying that it has the legitimacy to do so in the first place, the CTA’s foray into interpreting spirituality gives me bad indigestion. When attacking the Dorje Shugden practice, it has cherry picked friendly lay and ordained persons to form a basis for banning Dorje Shugden. It has also managed to dupe many journalists and pseudo academics into writing opinions about Dorje Shugden without relying on spiritual heavy hitters such as the many Geshe Lharampas and instead rely on unreliable sources and heresy.

    My question is this: if you want to form an unbiased and true opinion of a practice, why have you not consulted the highest spiritual authority of the Gelug tradition who are the Ganden Tripas? Every Tibetan in exile and in China should ask this of the CTA.

    Once again, thank you Solaray for putting things in its logical place in this article.

  3. Doreen Park

    May 27, 2017 at 4:36 am

    I agree that it’s rather odd for the political head of the Tibetans-in-Exile to be worrying about the succession to the Dalai Lama , when the Dalai Lama himself has even hinted that there may be no succession after him. If Lobsang Sangay and his team had already won the support of the Tibetans-in-Exile and they are solidly behind him and his government , then there shouldn’t be any cause for worry. If the succession is a religious issue,then the system is in place to select a successor by the high Lamas.Hence again, there is no cause for concern.

    However, the current government in exile has more to be concerned about at this point in time, than who will be the next Dalai Lama. The winds of change are already blowing around them. Politically speaking, the CTA’s days are numbered. From the look of things, India which has already agreed that Tibet is part of China, cannot continue to open its doors to Tibetan refugees, unless it wishes to continue to raise the ire of the Chinese government.

    The Tibetans in exile face a bleak future because in the 50 or more years since their fleeing Tibet, there has been no progress made by their leadership to ascertain that Tibet would be free soon and they would all go home happily. Indeed, all this is now a pipe dream. After having made little effort , the leadership is now changing its tune, to say they are requesting for autonomy. But why need they request for autonomy, because Tibet is already an Autonomous Region?

    The Tibetans in Exile face a bleak future even in India, because their leadership had not helped them in anyway to rise above their lives of struggling poverty . Neither have the leaders in exile raised their mulish heads to befriend the Chinese Government and ask for help for the refugees to return peacefully back to Tibet and resume their lives . What is most anguishing to see happening instead, is the self immolation of over 100 Tibetans -such a waste of lives -which have been just needless, and there appears to be no word of sensible advice from the Tibetan leadership regarding this.

    If the reason still holds regarding the preservation of religion, language and culture, a more sensible move would be to return to Tibet, China, if the Tibetans-in -exile are allowed to return. Otherwise, stay and become citizens of their host country, pick up their lives and move on. This is my view. it is not fair to them: they cannot live in limbo like this.

  4. Doreen Park

    May 27, 2017 at 4:40 am

    However, everything is impermanent. Things may still work out for the best for all parties.

  5. Sierra

    May 28, 2017 at 6:38 am

    I thought long ago, the Dalai Lama had retired from political office and the Tibetans in exile now have a democratic government. So, why is there talk about successor? I thought democracies hold elections to elect their head of state and not have them appointed. Or are they talking about having a monarchy system? I’m kind of confused here.

    As John F. Kennedy said, “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.

    There’s obviously something wrong is the CTA is talking about appointing the next Dalai Lama as head of state. There should be a fair election held. And, I think, for most democracies, there should be a separation of church and state, as mentioned by Solomon Lang.

  6. SabrinaS

    June 1, 2017 at 8:53 am

    This article is so spot on. CTA obviously had not stood out as a proper governmental body in the eyes of the world. Only the Dalai Lama had the clout to represent the Tibetans in Exile. And this is after years of “separation” of rule and religion when the Dalai Lama passed the reign of secular governance to the “elected” Sikyong. All these talk by Sikyong of the Dalai Lama’s succession show strong of CTA’s dependence on His Holiness’ fame to hold their people together. Another matter of concern is also that without the Dalai Lama, will India continue their generosity in allowing the Tibetans in Exile to stay as “refugees” with all the concessions accorded now.

    Yes, Sikyong is definitely a hypocrite for accusing China of interfering with religion whilst he himself is also doing the same. Throughout history the Dalai Lama’s succession is through reincarnation and recognition. As such in his statement “He (the Dalai Lama) says that he will decide at the age of 90, but I think it should happen sooner and I think it is likely to happen”, it seems as though the Sikyong is wishing the early demise of the Dalai Lama. Although the Dalai Lama may change this to options of selection or emanation, it still seem cold hearted to rush the succession…not auspicious at all.

    CTA is only concern of their status after the Dalai Lama’s death whilst the Dalai Lama as a religious figure is concern of where he will benefit the spread of Dharma. So why would the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama in China be impossible. There are close to 1.4 billion citizens in China and what better place to spread the Dharma? As for his comment that ‘success of Tibetan freedom struggle will be India’s success story’. Hello??? India had lost ludicrous commercial opportunities of working with China due to CTA’s self serving hindrance. Just like the billion dollars railway and commercial port investment which was diverted from India to Pakistan. The real freedom that CTA can achieve for its people would be to humble themselves to realise independence is not a reality. CTA should have trusted the Dalai Lama in negotiating for Autonomy then but now China is in the position to dismiss any overtures made. Wonder if CTA’s delay in having the dialogue with China is a delay in disruption to their comfortable opulent living in exile??

  7. samayakeeper

    June 5, 2017 at 4:23 am

    Quoted by Lobsang Sangay:
    “The communist party says religion is poison. They don’t believe in religion. They destroy monasteries and disrobe monks and nuns.”
    Why the pot (CTA) call the kettle black? If CTA believed in religion and the democracy to have religious freedom, they why did CTA instigate the attack on monasteries in India? Why instigate until monks and nuns disrobe and the separation of families in India?

    Another quote by Lobsang Sangay:
    “The Dalai Lama says he will decide at the age of 90, but I think it should happen sooner and I think it is likely to happen.”
    Does it mean Lobsang Sangay wants the Dalai Lama to make the announcement sooner and Lobsang Sangay did not agree that the Dalai Lama should wait until at the age of 90? Why won’t Lobsang Sangay wait for another 9 years?

    Yet another quote:
    “The cornerstone of Tibetan freedom struggle is based on the foundations of the Indian philosophy ahimsa.”
    What don’t the Tibetan leadership show and practice ahimsa to Dorje Shugden practitioners? Why talk of ahimsa by the Indian government when the Tibetan in Exile government does the opposite to their own people, those people who did not want to give up the practice of Dorje Shugden? Where is the democracy?

    And Lobsang Sangay was educated in Harvard?

  8. Dondrup Shugden

    June 6, 2017 at 9:29 am

    “In fact each of the four schools of Buddhism of Tibet have their own leaders – the Gelugs have the Gaden Tripa, the Sakyas have the Sakya Trizin, the Karma Kagyus have the Karmapa, the Drukpa Kagyus have the Gyalwang Drukpa and so on. From a strictly religious point-of-view, the Dalai Lama is not actually the head of any religious school. Hence in the future, if the institution of the Dalai Lama does not have political power and does not have religious power, it makes the institution and office of the Dalai Lama redundant. After all, will a future Dalai Lama be the head of religion of Tibet or head of government?”

    Interesting extract from Solaray Kusco’s article. As such is Lobsang Sangay hanging onto the sovereignty of the Dalai Lama or should he be more secured if he was chosen by popular vote through democracy.

    It is most unusual that a political arm of the Tibetans in exile (CTA) meddles with religious affairs.

    Like executing the ban on Dorje Shugden, another political meddling in religious affairs.

  9. Tenzin K

    June 6, 2017 at 10:16 am

    I don’t see CTA really see HH the Dalai Lama as a spiritual leader but just a cash cow to gain financial support because the CTA personally fail to do anything for Tibetan and even with the support from other country closed to 60 years what actually CTA had achieved for Tibetan in India?

    Pointing China not believe in religious, destroy monasteries and disrobe monks and nuns, Tibetan Leaderships forgotten that they have expelled Dorje Shugden monks and discriminate and taken away their human rights from all the Dorje Shugden practitioners welfare in India? In fact China is restoring the monasteries in Tibet and what has CTA done?

    What kind of ahimsa that Lobsang Sangay reffering to when the Tibetan leadership post up the list of people that practice Dorje Shugden in the website which obviously creating harm to those people. So many incident where Dorje Shugden practitioners being attacked and what has CTA done to protect their own people which they are still Tibetan but just with different belief.

    Can Lobsang Sangay for once get his facts right and make some sense to the public as all this statement is publicly read by the world or CTA is still in not aware that actually the world already know what they have done?

  10. bambi

    June 6, 2017 at 10:24 am

    Another slap in the face for the Harvard educated Sikyong!

    Maybe you should choose which side you plan to be in. Either secular or spiritual. Don’t dabble in two coz clearly it should never be mixed. Whoever HHDL choose should be between Him and his non secular people. And shouldn’t this successor announcing thingy be done by the Labrang of HHDL? Why is the Sikyong involved?

    Such a hypocrite! Always yapping and complaining about what China does yet he does the same. Stop talking about how China should run their country already. Take care of you own first and lead by example please. China is huge and respectable in many ways, and what have CTA done to make their own people proud and head held high?

    On another note, why is HHDL announcing his successor soon? Perhaps, it is a good thing, we wouldn’t want to have 2 Dalai Lamas, its already confusing enough now. And when HHDL leave that one final day, yes, I don’t believe that CTA can hold it together. Without HHDL’s name and fame, they have nothing else to hold on to!

  11. vajra-NMD

    June 6, 2017 at 10:59 am

    I totally agreed what SamayaKeeper has mentioned above :

    Yet another quote:
    “The cornerstone of Tibetan freedom struggle is based on the foundations of the Indian philosophy ahimsa.”
    What don’t the Tibetan leadership show and practice ahimsa to Dorje Shugden practitioners? Why talk of ahimsa by the Indian government when the Tibetan in Exile government does the opposite to their own people, those people who did not want to give up the practice of Dorje Shugden? Where is the democracy?

    And Lobsang Sangay was educated in Harvard?

    Why a prime minister of Tibet making people confused?

  12. Brian Little

    June 6, 2017 at 11:11 am

    This is not the first time Lobsang Sangay was caught being hypocrite just lamented in this article. One of the many things this prime minister of CTA said in the past was there are no discrimination against Dorje Shugden but we all know there are and there are photos to show. It’s all over the Internet. Then he accused China of at first doesn’t promote religion and now accuses China and trying to bad mouth them when they gave religious freedom to its citizens. So my summary about all these is that CTA as a whole is all about money and lying. Nothing has been done to help Tibetans and all they do is being hypocrite and earn sympathy. Using the Dalai Lama as their source of income I am afraid. Otherwise you don’t really need to find a successor for Dalai Lama, aren’t democracy is all about voting? I trust the voting system is also not in the question.

  13. Richard LakTam

    June 6, 2017 at 11:22 am

    Lobsang Sangay ohhh….. Lobsang Sangay……. he always dream talk. Everyone in the religion knows that not everyone can be Dalai Lama. By telling everybody that he is going to be the successor of Dalai Lama, does he mean that he’s going to be the next Dalai Lama? Does he even know not anybody can be Dalai Lama? Say, if he is referring to politic side, then he is only a secular leader, in that case, he is not Dalai Lama’s successor, he doesn’t even have the right to ban Dorje Shugden. Yes, it’s true that in a democratic government, Prime Minister, President is voted by the people. Except Malaysia. Even Donald Trump was voted. If the Prime Minister or President is not voted, thousand of people will be demonstrating on the street. Like Malaysia.

    “new chapter of hope and success would be written when “freedom is restored” in Tibet” this statement can even make me laugh until my jaw drop! He thought outsiders doesn’t the problem that CTA is facing. USA, Donald Trump has already come out a budget saying they’ll not contribute to the government of Tibetan in Exile anymore, and yet, I bet China will never gain independence to Tibet. Again, Lobsang Sangay is talking in his dream again. LOL. Wake up LS!!!

  14. Belinda Mae

    June 6, 2017 at 11:56 am

    This is really a joke. Why does Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay keeps reminding his people that he will be the next successor of Dalai Lama? Why does he insists to become the next successor? What benefits does he get? Since Dalai Lama has resigned from all political powers, what remains will be his spiritual path. So, does it means that Lobsang Sangay wants to be Dalai Lama’s spiritual successor? I don’t think Lobsang Sangay will even have the chance because Dalai Lama normally will reincarnate back to become the next Dalai Lama. I really don’t understand what is in Lobsang Sangay’s mind now. Trying to make a fool of himself? Or all because of money? Only he himself knows.

  15. Anthony Robertson

    June 6, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    Since Dalai Lama has announced his retirement and he is not coming back again as the 15th Dalai Lama, then on what aspect that CTA went on to find a successor of Dalai Lama? CTA represent the political party and Dalai Lama is the representation of Religious side, how can they mix up again between politics and religion?

    It is such hypocrite for Lobsang Sangay to mention this:
    “The communist party says religion is poison. They don’t believe in religion. They destroy Monasteries and disrobe monks and nuns. What is the basis of legitimacy they will have to select the next Dalai Lama? Not at all”

    What happened to CTA then? Aren’t they doing the same too? Harming the Tibetan monks, forcing them to give up their Spiritual practice, force them to break their samaya with their guru, force them to disrobe, separated them from their family members, discriminate them and do not allow them to use public facilities, what make CTA different compare to the communist that Lobsang Sangay mentioned about? By just this itself already showed how hypocrite they are, not to mention about other things. When CTA cannot claim back Tibet, who’s at fault now?

  16. Geraldine Sarie

    June 6, 2017 at 1:35 pm

    “Hello, Mr.Prime Minister, are you still sleeping? CTA in exile is the truth and there is no way you have to hide around the bushes.” The issue of CTA mind monopolizing their people are outrageous and have causes many lives. All these are not causes by China but in fact by Tibetan poor and lousy leadership management. Please make some sense, who will ever choose such awful, terrible management as a successor in their community? What? Harvard educated?

  17. Wisdommind

    June 6, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    Looking at Lobsang Sangye announcement, i just wonder how soon CTA still exisiting when H.H. Dalai Lama has pass away. Do Lobsang Sangye ready can be holding both political and spiritual path acting as succesor of Dalai Lama? Do other tibetan buddhism sect leader recognize him as spiritual head leading Tibet? Is CTA have power to entrone new Dalai Lama incarnation at future? I just think of how CTA felt hopeless and in seclur through this annoucement yet to remind Tibet people CTA CTA gorvernment still existing when Dalai Lama not arounf anymore.

  18. Vajra10

    June 6, 2017 at 7:27 pm

    What people wants are just living in peace, Why creates problems unstoppable that ruin the country..

  19. Pema

    June 6, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    How come that a politician speaks about religious decisions? Isn’t this the decision of the Dalai Lama? Well, Lobsang should tell us about how every Tibetan is equal, no matter what religion he or she practices. That would be an announcement!

    So, if the Dalai Lama decides to speak about it, that’s another story. But, Tibetans are still refugees and have no home. They should be back in Tibet, China and build up their country.

  20. Tianni

    June 6, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    Lobsang Sangay has to keep on saying the same things especially on the successor of HH Dalai Lama. My view is without HH Dalai Lama, no country will support the leadership of Tibetan in exile and they will also facing financial difficulty. Over the 50 years the Tibetan exile community had been functional largely because its members accepted the Dalai Lama’s authority. His teaching has influence so many peoples in the worlds and Westerners who see him as embodying the fundamental principles of Buddhism.

    I see that Dalai Lama has step back and not step down because it is easier for him to meet the other’s country leaders as a role of religious leader. And the current situation now is critical for CTA on the issue of the successor of Dalai Lama because Chinese authorities will try to impose a candidate who will follow their interests, and CTA will try to make sure their own becomes leader otherwise they will lose many things especially the financial aid from the supporter of HH Dalai Lama.

  21. James P

    June 10, 2017 at 6:14 am

    CTA has, in many cases, shooting themselves in their foot. That is what you get when you don’t practice what you preach. CTA said they practice democracy, but how many Tibetans know what is democracy? If you ask them, they would choose rice over democracy. They don’t practice democracy for the benefit of people. They practice so that westerners will continue to donate money to them.

    I really like this article because it raise a valid question: If CTA is really practicing democracy, why do they need an appointed successor? If CTA is doing a good job by making the people happy and prosperous, why do they need to know who is the next HH Dalai Lama?

    CTA knows they will lose their flare when HH Dalai Lama pass into clear light. Being CTA, they will just milk the westerners as much as they can for their own profit and the people will be left for suffer. Is this compassionate? I really feel sorry for the Tibetans in exile who gave up their good live and now have to suffer because of the selfish CTA.

  22. Elibuchen

    July 1, 2017 at 6:40 am

    I concur very much with Tenzin K, the politicians at CTA, only treated the Dalai Lama like a cash cow.

    Hence they want to know and be able to have a say about where the Dalai lama reincarnates. I also agree that the Dalai Lama can be Chinese for once, it is not impossible for such a thing to happen and take effect.

    Then will the 17th Karmapa be the next regent awaiting for the 15th Dalai Lama to emerge to maturity?

  23. sunita

    July 9, 2017 at 7:31 am

    The statements made in the Phayul article certainly reveals a tone of “desperation” in the minds of Lobsang Sangay and his team. The Dalai Lama has stated he will only choose his successor when he reaches 90 but Mr Lobsang wants it done sooner. In essence the Dalai Lama would have the wisdom on such matters and would know best when the religious successor should be declared.
    It is without doubt that Tibetans in general reveres and respects the Dalai Lama more then the President or the CTA. Firstly, the reverence towards the religious figure has be ingrained in the Tibetan culture and blood for centuries. Secondly, the CTA is not popular because there are no solid results from any of the policies that they have rolled out to date. Gossips of inside backbiting and corruption in the CTA is more apparent then news of real and positive changes made in the lives of Tibetans. Which policy initiated by the CTA has made world news with positive results ? Would love to know if there were !!

  24. Pema Norbu

    September 15, 2017 at 10:48 am

    Watch this clear video of His Holiness the Dalai Lama asking the monasteries to expel monks that practice Dorje Shugden. Click here to watch:

  25. Tsering Gonkatsang

    September 30, 2017 at 3:48 pm

    Member of Parliament Tenpa Yarphel is a hero. He is speaking up for free speech and freedom of expression. He is exercising his rights, he is standing up for logical democracy which is the only way forward and not having to contact spirits like Nechung via oracles to make decisions that impact people’s lives. But look how people speak about him in the comments, so rude and nasty. It really represents the Dalai Lama badly as they are supporting Dalai Lama beings so rude:

    They say we need to believe in Nechung and follow what he says. But in 2009 Nechung said the Dalai Lama would go back to Tibet and that everyone would be happy. A monk from Nechung Monastery is the one that told everyone about this: But Nechung was wrong. It has been eight years and this has not happened. The Dalai Lama did not return to Tibet. Nechung being consulted by Tibetan government in exile is backwards. No governments do this in the civilized world.

    When people like Tenpa Yarphel speak up and are real patriots of the Tibetan people, they are attacked by other people. In fact people even protest like this man who shaves his hair: People like these are actually protesting against Tenpa Yarphel’s democratic rights and freedom of speech. Tibetans by criticizing Tenpa Yarphel shows they are far from democracy. Besides many of the other Kagyu leaders such as Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche, Drukchen Rinpoche, Karmapa Thaye Dorje all did not say anything against Tenpa Yarphel that represents the Kagyus.

    Dalai Lama had said that is his minister of cabinet in the government. Even though it is clear that Nechung is unreliable and a spirit, the Dalai Lama continues to rely heavily on Nechung and other oracles who take trance of spirits. He invites Nechung to all his events and allow him to take trance in centre stage always. In fact the Dalai Lama even calls the oracles to his own private bedroom:

    These practices show how Tibetan government is run.

  26. Pema Schneider

    October 19, 2017 at 9:50 am

    Lobsang Sangay at the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Tibetan Settlement Office, Dharamsala:

    Losang Sangay said recently (October, 2017) in Dharamsala that Tibetans have two enemies: the outer and inner enemy. The outer enemy is the Chinese government and Dorje Shugden people. The inner enemy is the people who speak against about our Tibetan affairs like regional differences and religious differences. (He didn’t say this directly but he means people like Tenpa Yarphel who spoke up in the Parliament) He said out of the two enemies, the worse one is the inner enemy.

    Now the Tibetans have started a new Facebook page specifically against Tenpa Yarphel. Tibetans are protesting against him:

    And there is a video of Tibetans with Tenpa Yarphel’s name on paper against him and asking him to resign:

  27. Tashi, Delhi

    October 20, 2017 at 1:15 pm

    What is the CTA for a club? Going around pretending to be a democracy and only because of HH Dalai Lama they can make some foreign people believe it but it seems that karma is coming back.

    The CTA is suppressing its own people and is having a good life with the money originally meant for the Tibetan people. On top, their elections are a farce!

    Listen here to Tenpa Yarphel who questions about the reliance of the Tibetan Government to Nechung, an oracle, which is understandable already but on top Nechung’s predictions seem to create more problems than anything else.

    What happens to Tenpa Yarphel now that he speaks up? Tibetans have started a Facebook page against Tenpa Yarphel and protest against him: They even ask Tenpa Yarphel to resign:

    So much for the “Democracy” in the Tibetan Government!!

  28. TseringD, Delhi

    October 29, 2017 at 8:20 pm

    Nechung is ZUMA 👎 before I m think he is one of d best when I m watch dis video By Geshe Dorjee la but now I m think is not d truth n he is lie to Tibet people we r not back to Tibet yt Chithue Tenpa Yarphel la tq for talk about truth of Nechung . I m watch to this video many time la n after I hear you talk I m not belief to Nechung

  29. Tenzin Ngawang

    November 17, 2017 at 11:22 am

    How China treated President Trump

    is very different with how the CTA would have received President Trump

  30. Ngodup Tsering

    November 18, 2017 at 10:58 pm


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